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Interesting Ideas with Stan (The Radio Man) Hustad - To Help Us Live Better Right Now - What it Takes Radio

Mar 30, 2021

Today's program is from one of the nicest places in the world.  The White Stallion Guest Ranch in Tucson Arizona.  Not only is it a wonderful and a historic place it is also the place for many motion pictures and western films and television shows were produced here.  And now White Stallion Ranch is the place where we...

Mar 27, 2021

And that is what makes this such a delightful story. You know it's been said that over 80% of the people when interviewed said they would like to write a book someday. Of course most of them never ever write a book. Well Randall wasn't even one of those persons who said they might want to write a book, but then some...

Mar 24, 2021

Indeed it is my pleasure to introduce and to audition for a worldwide audience two new friends who have wonderful stories to tell and things to teach you about life and living in the Old West. And as we often say, you'll learn more here by accident than most places by design.  You will enjoy it.

Marshall and...

Mar 17, 2021

Sometimes dreams come true, ever since I took a road trip as a small young boy I remember the ride on Route 66. And from time to time I've gone back and traveled that wonderful nostalgia highway. And then in my imagination I said wouldn't it be fun to do a podcast with someone who really knew the story and loved the...

Mar 11, 2021

And you will truly enjoy the stories that Randy has to tell.  Creator entrepreneurs are often times the most interesting and talented people you'll ever meet but they don't sit in the corner office of some Fortune 500 corner office. Like Randy they are out in the corral of life helping to make a difference in helping...