Dec 31, 2021
My New York City daughter who is an author and the writer once to said to me, "I really need to find out more about this Pastor Carl because obviously he changed my life." However she never met him or knew him so how could that be. She then explains that "he had such an incredible influence on my parents and what they...
Dec 27, 2021
In my many years of trying to teach people how to be broadcasters there were a number of people we just couldn't handle it. Not that they didn't have the talent but they lack the temperament. They are just far too serious all the time and unfortunately boring most of the time. Well I hope I'm neither and I like to...
Dec 21, 2021
One of my dear friends a pastor passed away on Christmas Eve. Because of that I confess that I have a bit of melancholy because I remember that every Christmas Eve. And I will again. I learned so many things from him and I remember him after sharing a particular truth or word from the Gospel say... "And isn't that...
Dec 14, 2021
There are literally thousands of stories, allegories, myths, and many legends that have lowed out of the Christmas story... One of those I have even develop myself and shared with many people. It's called would you like to be Touched By an Angel, and I will probably repeat it to some people again because the story is...
Dec 8, 2021
I'm a very lucky man I've got a very good job. I get to do what I love to do and I work in a nice pleasant surrounding. But as Mike Rowe has made it known to the world there are lots of good folks who just do dirty jobs... And now there's a song that says even Santa Claus has a dirty job. With your permission I'd like...