Oct 31, 2018
HALLOWEEN began as a Holy Day. And there are some incredible stories about the day. There are also some great life lessons for business and marketing you that you can learn from this whole Hallowed Eve Experience. So take a few minutes to learn something about Jesus in his costume disguise, and how dark spirits of the...
Oct 23, 2018
Rick was a Turnaround Expert and he was good at that, but then got an assignment and met a man who turned him around. It's a fascinating story of a man who had a job and found a calling. And it is a story of a good man, a smart man who did business differently. And because of that man Rick did life differently, very...
Oct 21, 2018
This is Sunday Night and time for a Sunday Night "Meeting' to get spirit, mind, body, and soul ready to meet the week and meet the marketplace on Monday... And could it be that indeed God came to earth disguised as handyman? and what do I mean by saying that Jesus had a 21 year ministry, not the usual reported 3...
Oct 18, 2018
This morning the good Dr Jenny told me that we are still good. 18 months and not a sign of the cancer in the tests, so press on! That means that I can give my full energies to building the Christian Entrepreneur Network and have these conversations that count with young entrepreneurs like Jake Kinsey. He takes "The...
Oct 17, 2018
Right now a lot of people listening to this are going through difficult times, real difficult times. They are going through suffering, and perhaps even living in the "pain zone" right now. Perhaps that someone is you. These 10 minutes might be helpful for you and get you to think a little differently. As a Christian...