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Interesting Ideas with Stan (The Radio Man) Hustad - To Help Us Live Better Right Now - What it Takes Radio

Apr 28, 2023

 A week ago the top rated radio and television commentator in America signed off from his very popular and profitable show on a Friday evening and said will see you on Monday and on Monday morning he was fired.

That happens particularly in the business he is in. and by the way the business he is in is probably very much...

Apr 26, 2023

... I really did. I saw a tombstone that made me laugh and it made me smile. How clever and how courageous and how humble must've been the person who had chosen such as saying as to how they want to finally be remembered.

Many years ago when I was recovering from a major career tragedy and crash which had left me in...

Apr 25, 2023

 We had an amazing time thinking about our five favorite words. And amazing things can happen when you learn that some good questions about what you're reading, what you're thinking, what book you're writing, and what are your favorite words.

So we have some good leading thoughts that can help make you unique and...

Apr 24, 2023

And there's much in our world that is a mess on this Monday evening and so we will try and do our best to bring a little peace and quiet and some good thoughts into the end of your day.

And my usual greeting of ladies and gentlemen might mean that I have a diminishing audience when you look at the world today, and find...

Apr 20, 2023

 No of course not you should not be a yes man if you are a woman let's get that straight now. But then you should be a yes woman and I know what you're thinking.  Because no way am I a person who simply says yes to let the people in authority in anyway tell me what to do. That's not me.  I'm a different kind of spirit...