Aug 31, 2018
I read a story that at the very end talked about smelling, smelling something good. And that got me to thinking about smelling, and that led to a couple stories. But the prime purpose of today’s program is that I want one of you to join me in an opportunity that may be a lot of fun, and the way to grow your business,...
Aug 31, 2018
I read a story that at the very end talked about smelling, smelling something good. And that got me to thinking about smelling, and that led to a couple stories. But the prime purpose of today’s program is that I want one of you to join me in an opportunity that may be a lot of fun, and the way to grow your business,...
Aug 29, 2018
That’s a dangerous title and maybe I shouldn’t have done that. It’s a marketing and performance risk. Let me tell you why. Podcasting is growing by leaps and bounds. You will need to learn how to do it. And indeed sometimes you just have to do, a "stupid" audit. I’ve done it before and I’ll do them again and...
Aug 26, 2018
It was one of those lines that you don’t ever forget. Oh God don’t let me die stupid. Is that a prayer or an exclamation? Tonight let’s take a few minutes to think about what that just might mean and be for your life as a Christian entrepreneur. And then let it flow into a little conversation about feeling His...
Aug 24, 2018
Yes you read that right. Smoking a cigar to the glory of God. This is a delightful true story from a guy named Jimmy. It’s a true story. So I invite you this weekend to lighten up a bit, and just enjoy Jimmy’ s story. Indeed God was glorified and Jesus smiled as men’s lives were changed in the cigar shop. And of...