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Interesting Ideas with Stan (The Radio Man) Hustad - To Help Us Live Better Right Now - What it Takes Radio

Aug 31, 2022

 I was eager to hear what Jordan Peterson had to say when I saw that very striking title, indeed, Why women don't like You... And he was speaking to millions of young men who find themselves in that very situation. Women don't like them. So what's the problem and what should they do. Well it's an interesting idea so I...

Aug 30, 2022

Many years ago in a past life time I had the opportunity to be one of the first teachers who actually developed a class in philosophy for juniors in high school.  Most people thought it would never work. It did work. Many young men and women signed up for it and for many there were life-changing things that happened....

Aug 29, 2022

Well after a busy day starting the week perhaps you can use just a little bit of a lighter touch. So let me tell you the little joke, and obviously it is a joke, about whether the dog was Catholic.  And you may not think it's funny and that's OK and you may not particularly like it and that's OK, but if you're offended,...

Aug 26, 2022

From now on our Friday program is for leaders because leaders come to work on Friday and spend time thinking strategically, generating new ideas, and seeking to inspire good folks to seriously consider how they're going to do their very best at their work and maybe even change the world.  But they also take a little bit...

Aug 25, 2022

 You may have heard the expression from the film as the prisoner was led to the execution chamber, his fellow inmates shouted out, Dead man walking.  So very sad and unfortunately a lot of people are living that way. Can you even begin to imagine what it might be like to say I'm fully alive?  Would you like to live that...