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Interesting Ideas with Stan (The Radio Man) Hustad - To Help Us Live Better Right Now - What it Takes Radio

May 23, 2024

 Thanks for listening. Who knows for sure it's not important but it's a part of my story and I think it might be helpful to you because it could encourage you to always try and do new and different and unique things.

Remember the two most powerful words in the English language are, we're different!

I was a performance coach and still am... We seldom quit but eventually we just go away and let smarter and younger people take over.  But when I first began I found a very unusual way to help my clients. 

 I also discovered that since many of my clients were entrepreneurs they didn't have much time to read and did you know that the rate of dyslexia, the inability to read things correctly, is way above the national average for those who are of the entrepreneurial type in character.

So I went back to my first love and started doing radio programs just for each client.  So here's the story and see what you think and then try and learn the lesson that is right before you..

Don't miss it... And maybe you even need a good business performance coach to help you be at your best, market yourself with high impact, have more fun, and make more money.  

I can probably help you.
