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Interesting Ideas with Stan (The Radio Man) Hustad - To Help Us Live Better Right Now - What it Takes Radio

Sep 15, 2020

This is a Pilot Sample of our new and emerging coaching experience on why, and how you should, and can be a Podcaster.

Take 17 minutes to learn more than ever about how you can become a more interesting and influential person and a great performance marketer.

... again it happened, a long time friend and client who I have been telling him for years that he should do radio podcasting finally relented and said he would give it a try...."Just seven episodes" he said "and then we will see."

Last Saturday after #12, which went very well, he said, "Stan I am enjoying this more than anything else I am doing now, and it is even fun ... glad you stayed on me patiently and persistently ... I even look forward to our program events."