Dec 27, 2023
I know that many of the professionals are saying, Stan your title is to long ... They should be short sharp into the point. I know that but sometimes like every rule they should be broken and I Believe that I should tell you just exactly what I'm seeking to do to help you. Because this will help you.
If you take time to think about it the Christmas story and in fact the entire Christmas celebration is all about things that are mysterious. Some of them are even what would be called miraculous which means it's a mystery and you can't understand it or how it could've happened. And we don't like mysteries ... we like to solve the problems, the puzzles, and know for sure what's going to happen and what's up,
But my friend that's not going to happen. The world is full of mysterious things some of them very good and some of them very bad. Life is difficult and often it is a mystery... So indeed get used to it and perhaps even begin to enjoy it, embrace it, and even use it to become bolder and braver and more confident about the role you might get to play in life.
Because one of the keys to success in life is to be mysterious and to embrace mystery. I guarantee it and let me tell you the story.