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Interesting Ideas with Stan (The Radio Man) Hustad - To Help Us Live Better Right Now - What it Takes Radio

Oct 11, 2024

He asked me to step in for him and be him on a video. He was a well-known writer covering areas of money, finance, and life principles based on biblical principles and from the Talmudic principles of the Jewish tradition.

It was fascinating as he took some of the teachings and ideas from the ancient wisdom of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and came up with some very significant and very helpful planned for life and business success.

And during the Covid crisis he did a special presentation which I not only performed and appreciated it... It really touched my heart and mind with some profound understanding.

So with your permission on this day before the Yom Kippur celebration and commemoration, may I share with you the story and what it can mean for you and for me today!.